jean l delacour delacour at UNM.EDU
Sat Feb 3 17:33:09 EST 1996

On Fri, 2 Feb 1996, Richard Lockwood wrote:

> >Kiss will reunite with the original line-up of Gene, Paul, Peter, and
> >Ace and put on the make up for a reunion tour!!
> Yeah, right.  There have been rumours of this happening for years, and they've
> always been strenuously denied by any source anywhere near the band -
> including the band themselves.  Where did this info come from this time?
> Call me a sceptic if you will..! :-)
> Cheers,
> Rich.
> ** this. is. not. a. fish? **


This info was aired on MTV recently and was verified by a friend of
mine that IS a hardcore Kiss fan.

It is my opnion, that Kiss has NOT even been Kiss since Ace left the
band.  They were just another hair band in the 80's that didn't have
much to say musically.

Creatures of the Night was, for me, their last great disc.
Let's see what will happen next.

Jean Delacour
University of New Mexico
Parish Library
Alb, NM 87131-1496
delacour at

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