All the Aces

Chris Bates C.D.Bates at SHEFFIELD.AC.UK
Mon Feb 5 04:49:29 EST 1996

Carl wrote:

>         Well, it might not be self-centered.  I wouldn't link Lemmy's
> departure directly to a perceived decline, but I would agree with him
> that HW went downhill after he left.  I mean when its a choice between
> Space Ritual, HotMG, and Warrior or ASAM, QS&C, PXR5 .... I'll take the
> first, despite there being some excellent and classic tracks on the
> latter three.

No way! I much prefer Quark to Space Ritual, and I think ASAM has
some of their best musicianship. Lemmy is a great bass player and
I wish he'd been replaced by a sound-a-like, after all they improved
a fair bit once Alan Davey replaced Harvey on bass. This because
AD just fits into the driving style of the band more.


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