john paine jpaine at LINKNET.KITSAP.LIB.WA.US
Thu Feb 8 21:33:36 EST 1996

On Wed, 7 Feb 1996, Maxine Wesley wrote:

> I've forgotten!
> I'm wearing the Nethawks t-shirt and this guy comes up to me and says
> "Whatzitallaboutthen".... I can't remember what the reference is to with
> respect to "On the net or on your knees" - think it's a BOC reference to
> an Album (whose name I have forgotten also) so can someone e-mail me with
> the full blown explanation... or any humourous guesses!
> Maxine
>   The night shall be filled with music
>   And the cares that infest the day            mxw at dmu.ac.uk
>   Shall fold their tents like the Arabs        http://www.dmu.ac.uk/~mxw/
>   And as silently steal away.                  Honda CB250 RS
>                     H.W. Longfellow
On Your Feet or On Your Knees is a BOC double album.

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