Vote on Astronomy/Like v. Dislike
Carl E. Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Fri Feb 16 07:51:07 EST 1996
> >AB says: however be aware some people just don't care to
> >explain their likes and dislikes to the same depths.
> >However, be aware: many people just care to hit the delete button.
> >C-ya!
> Why be so damn rude??
> I don't think that Ben's introduction to this list
> said: "It is required that you state your opiniuons and your reasons for
> them." Some people don't post at all. If someone wants to post "good" or
> "bad" (while I agree that it's more interesting to know why) then leave it
> be. I know some people who just CAN'T explain why - it's not in their
> vocabulary or understanding. There will always be a certain faction of
> people who will be able to elaborate and those who won't... I think there's
> enough people who can post "why" so that someone can get a good idea of what
> something sounds like. We need a little more tolerance here.
Change down, man ... Find your neutral space ... ;)
I don't think rudeness was intended here. For that matter, on
some subject threads _I_ just hit the delete button, though on others
I dive in with no shortage of posting (the value of which is, admittedly,
debatable ;)
As Pippi Longstocking says: A:r det inte ett fritt land?
(Is it not a free country?)
But while, sure, it's nice to have a tally of people all
sending a message to say they do or don't like something and little
else, well personally I'd rather that kind of voting be done in the
traditional BOC-L manner: a list wide poll wherein one person tallys the
votes and posts the results to the list.
I might read something that does elaborate, since it can expand
my own perceptions. But tally-threads will probably hit my delete key as
well. No condemnation of non-elaborative threads, or peoples tastes in
coffee, or whatever--it's just that I haven't got *that* much free time
on my hands ...
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