HW: tape-list Part 3

Bernhard Pospiech b.pospiech at POP.RUHR.DE
Sun Feb 18 06:54:04 EST 1996

Brixton             Academy                  5.3.89     75                 8

Bridport            Beehive                  10.3.89    65                 8

St.Albans           City Hall                2.6.89     80                 7

Woolwich            Coronet                  3.6.89     80                 8

Nottingham          Rock City                7.6.89     85                 9

Worthing            Assembly Hall            8.6.89     80                 7

Manchester          International            9.6.89     80                 7

Treworgey           Tree Fayre Festival      29.7.89    85                 9

Brixton             Academy                  3.9.89     95                 9

Clyro               Court                    16.9.89    90                 9

Toronto             Diamond                  24.9.89    50                 9

Washington          Bayou                    26.9.89    90                 9

Sommerville         Johnny D's               27.9.89    100
10                               =20
New York            New Ritz                 28.9.89    110
10                               =20
Ardmore             23 East Cabaret          29.9.89    90                 8

Cleveland           Phantasy Club            30.9.89    80                 9

Chicago             Lounge Axe               1.10.89    80                 8

Milwaukee           Odd Rock Cafe            3.10.89    85
10                               =20
Minneapolis         First Avenue             4.10.89    90
10                               =20
San Francisco       Stone                    7.10.89    90
10                               =20
Santa Clara         One Step Beyond          9.10.89    90                 8

Los Angeles         Palace                   10.10.89   85                 7

San Diego           Bacchanal                12.10.89   75                 9

Leeds               University               2.12.89    80                 7

Liverpool           Royal Court              5.12.89    105                7

London              Hammersmith Odeon        7.12.89    105                8

London              Hammersmith Odeon        8.12.89    110                8

Cardiff             St.Davids Hall           10.12.89   90                 8

Bristol             Colston Hall             11.12.89   90                 7

Wolverhampton       Civic Hall               16.12.89   110                7

Plymouth            Warehouse                18.12.89   115                7

Nottingham          Lenton Lane Studios      25.1.90    95                 8

Glastonbury         Festival                 23.6.90    90                 8

Bournemouth         Academy                  2.7.90     100                9

Brixton             Academy                  1.9.90     80                 8

Leeds               University               13.10.90   90                 7

Hull                City Hall                14.10.90   90                 8

Nottingham          Rock City                16.10.90   90                 8

Newcastle           Mayfair                  18.10.90   85                 8

Liverpool           Royal Court              21.10.90   95                 7

Wolverhampton       Civic Hall               24.10.90   100                7

Preston             Guild Hall               25.10.90   90                 7

Sheffield           Polytechnic              26.10.90   90                 8

Croydon             Fairfields Hall          27.10.90   90                 8

Reading             University               30.10.90   30                 5

Newport             Leisure Centre           1.11.90    90                 8

Colchester          University               3.11.90    90                 8

Bristol             Colston Hall             4.11.90    100                8

Leicester           DeMontfort Hall          5.11.90    90                 7

London              Hammersmith Odeon        6.11.90    95                 7

Brighton            The Event                7.11.90    90                 8

Southampton         Mayflower                9.11.90    90                 8

Boston              Channel Club             28.11.90   100                8

Philadelphia        Ambler                   30.11.90   100                8

New York            Wetlands                 1.12.90    90                 8

Washington          Club 9:30                2.12.90    85                 9

Toronto             Diamond                  4.12.90    50                 9

Cleveland           Empire                   5.12.90    100                9

Cleveland           Empire                   6.12.90    100                8

Chicago             Cubby Bear               7.12.90    80                 9

River Growe         Thirsty Whale            8.12.90    100                9

Milwaukee           Shank Hall               9.12.90    100                8

Minneapolis         Glam Slam                11.12.90   105                8

Los Angeles         Lingerie                 15.12.90   95                 8

Oakland             Omni                     16.12.90   100
10                               =20
San Francisco       I - Beam                 17.12.90   95                 9

Portland            Day For Night            19.12.90   95                 8

Long Beach          Bogarts                  22.12.90   90                 9

Amsterdam           Paradiso                 12.3.91    110                6

Tilburg             Noorderligt              13.3.91    95                 9

K=F6ln                Live Music Hall          14.3.91    110               =

Berlin              Extasy                   15.3.91    110                9

Hamburg             Markthalle               16.3.91    110                9

Bremen              Modernes                 17.3.91    115                9

Osnabr=FCck           Hyde Park                18.3.91    110               =

Bochum              Zeche                    19.3.91    105                9

Stuttgart           Schinderhannes           20.3.91    105                9

Mainz               Kulturzentrum            21.3.91    105                8

Kempten             Allg=E4uhalle              22.3.91    90                =

N=FCrnberg            Komm                     23.3.91    105               =

M=FCnchen             Nachtwerk                25.3.91    120               =

Wels                Alter Schlachhof         26.3.91    90                 8

Athen               Rodon Club               31.3.91    140                8

Florenz             Tenaz                    5.4.91     90                 7

Paris               Bataclan                 9.4.91     90                 8

New York            Marquee                  9.5.91     80                 8

Philadelphia        Ambler                   10.5.91    80                 8

Washington          Club 9:30                12.5.91    75                 9

Montreal            LeFoufones               14.5.91    45                 9

Toronto             Spectrum                 16.5.91    80                 8

St.Catherines       Hideaway                 17.5.91    80                 9

Detroit             Latin Quarter            18.5.91    80                 8

Cleveland           Empire                   19.5.91    80                 8

Minneapolis         First Avenue             21.5.91    80
10                               =20
Milwaukee           Shank Hall               22.5.91    70                 9

Brixton             Academy                  6.7.91     115                8

Mildenhall          Festival                 3.8.91     50                 8

Exeter              Plaza                    31.8.91    80                 8

Stockholm           Dailys Bar               29.9.91    80                 9

Uppsala             Barowiac                 2.10.91    70
10                               =20
G=F6teborg            Magasinet                28.9.91    75                =

Copenhagen          Loppen                   4.10.91    75                 9

Berlin              H & M                    5.10.91    85
10                               =20
Hamburg             Markthalle               6.10.91    80                 9

Herford             Rock Haeven              7.10.91    75                 9

Bochum              Zeche                    8.10.91    80                 9

Frankfurt           Batschkapp               9.10.91    80                 7

Tilburg             Noorderligt              12.10.91   80                 9

Amsterdam           Paradiso                 15.10.91   80                 8

Hemel               Pavillon                 11.12.91   85                 7

Bradford            University               12.12.91   85                 8

York                Barbican                 13.12.91   85                 6

Cardiff             University               14.12.91   85                 9

Wolverhampton       Civic Hall               15.12.91   85                 9

Brighton            The Event                24.4.92    100                9

Southampton         University               25.4.92    100                8

St.Austell          Coliseum                 26.4.92    90                 7

Newcastle           Mayfair                  29.4.92    100                7

Edinburgh           Playhouse                1.5.92     105                7

Liverpool           Royal Court              3.5.92     100                8

Bristol             Colston Hall             7.5.92     90                 8

Hemel               Pavillon                 8.5.92     105                8

Cambridge           Corn Exchange            11.5.92    100                7

Nottingham          Rock City                12.5.92    100                7

Birmingham          Hummingbird              13.5.92    90                 6

Sheffield           University               14.5.92    100                8

London              Hammersmith Odeon        16.5.92    100                9

Leicester           Polytechnik              18.5.92    90                 8

Reading             University               19.5.92    100
10                               =20
Brixton             Academy                  15.8.92    120                8

Bradford            Queens Hall              10.12.92   115                7

Glasgow             Barrowlands              11.12.92   115                7

Kilburn             National Ballroom        13.12.92   120                9

Warrington          Parr Hall                14.12.92   110                7

Manchester          Rockworld                7.4.93     115                7

Truro               City Hall                11.4.93    110                9

Rotterdam           Night Town               24.4.93    110                9

Tilburg             Noorderligt              25.4.93    110                8

Utrecht             Tivoli                   29.4.93    115                9

Pentrich            Coneygrey Showground     31.7.93    90                 7

Camberly            Agincourt                13.8.93    90                 8

Brixton             Academy                  14.8.93    85                 8

Milton Keynes       Woughton Centre          7.11.93    100                8

Cambridge           Junction                 11.11.93   90                 7

Wolverhampton       Civic Hall               12.11.93   90                 8

Bristol             University               13.11.93   80                 9

Nottingham          Rock City                16.11.93   100                8

Liverpool           Royal Court              17.11.93   90                 8

Bradford            University               18.11.93   90                 7

Glasgow             Barrowlands              20.11.93   90                 8

Manchester          Apollo                   22.11.93   100                9

London              Kentishtown Forum        23.11.93   100                8

Folkestone          Leas Cliff Hall          24.11.93   90                 8

Worthing            Assembly Hall            25.11.93   100                8

Hastings            Pier Pavillon            27.11.93   90                 8

Colchester          Charter Hall             28.11.93   70                 8

K=F6ln                Live Music Hall          2.12.93    90
10                               =20
Hamburg             Markthalle               3.12.93    95                 8

Berlin              Huxley Junior            4.12.93    100                7

Stuttgart           R=F6hre                    7.12.93    60                =

Hengelo             Metropool                9.12.93    90                 9

Haarlem             Patronaat                10.12.93   80                 7

Den Bosch           Willem 2                 11.12.93   90                 9

Manchester          Rockworld                13.4.94    90                 8

Brixton             Fridge                   14.4.94    95                 7

Oxford              Apollo                   15.4.94    95                 8

Bohnstedtfeld       Waldheim Festival        15.7.94    90                 7

Genua               Albatros                 19.10.94   65                 8

Berlin              Huxley's Neue Welt       28.10.94   90                 9

Aschaffenburg       Klangwerk                30.10.94   90                 8

Osnabr=FCck           Hyde Park                31.10.94   90                =

Uden                Nieuwe Pul               3.11.94    75                 9

Heino               Zaal Struik              4.11.94    75                 9

Bremen              Aladin                   8.11.94    85                 8

Hamburg             Gro=DFe Freiheit           12.11.94   85                =

K=F6ln                Live Music Hall          13.11.94   90
10                               =20
Toronto             Phoenix                  4.4.95     85                 7

St. Catherines      Hideaway                 5.4.95     90                 8

Buffalo             Nietzsche's              6.4.95     80                 9

Cleveland           Agora                    7.4.95     80
10                               =20
New York            Limelight                9.4.95     80
10                               =20
New Haven           Toad's Place             11.4.95    90                 9

Madison             Barrymore Theatre        18.4.95    95                 8

Chicago             Park West                19.4.95    90                 8

Milwaukee           Shank Hall               20.4.95    95                 8

Boulder             Fox Theatre              23.4.95    90                 8

San Francisco       Slims                    25.4.95    100                9

Springfield         Jaxx                     8.4.95     80
10                               =20
Pentrich            Coneygrey Showground     29.7.95    80                 7

Wolverhampton       Civic Hall               10.1.72    65                 7

Birmingham (HD)     Kaleidoscope             27.2.89    70                 8

Wallsall (HD)       Junction 10              23.5.89    60                 7

London              Marc Bolan Show          14.9.77    3                  8

London              BBC Studio               27.7.95    20
10                               =20
Amsterdam           Melkweg                  2.11.95    110                9

Wolverhampton       Civic Hall               20.10.95   110                8

Bochum              Zeche                    26.10.95   100
10                               =20
Glasgow             Barrowlands              12.10.95   110                7

Lancaster           Sugar House              13.10.95   110                7

Liverpool           Royal Court              15.10.95   110                7

Hamburg             Markthalle               27.10.95   95                 9

Cardiff             St.Davids Hall           18.10.95   110                7

Workington          Carnagie Hall            11.10.95   95                 7

London              Forum                    22.12.95   100                8

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