OffTopic: US politics

M Holmes fofp at CASTLE.ED.AC.UK
Wed Feb 21 08:17:42 EST 1996

Duane Hoyt writes:

> >
> >I just saw the New Hampshire result. I presume that the Republicans will
> >now need to mount a "stop Buchanan" campaign in order to prevent a
> >disaster in November? The question is will the establishment stick with
> >what looks to be a fading Dole who has the campaign machinery but
> >probably can't beat Clinton or go with Alexander who's had a couple of
> >good results, has no funding or electoral organisation and might just be
> >able to beat Clinton in the charisma stakes?
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >FoFP
> >
> >
> As with most US politicians, the only answer they could concieve is run the
> guy with the most money, and hope to use the media to discredit the other
> guys. This is business as usual, and I don't think a leopard can change his
> spots.

I wondered if they do negative campaigning because they're naturally
mean guys or if it's due to it having proven out that this is the most
effective way of campaigning. If the latter then it's really the
electorate who are to blame.

> I don't have a problem with any person having strong ideals and
> moral convictions, I respect a person who does,


> but I don't believe that
> the US should have a president that would force the country to live by the
> moral convictions of a small segment of society.

That's basically why I'm a libertarian.

> If the Republicans can do
> no better than Buchannon, then it seems we are to have Clinton for another
> 4 years.

Like us, it looks like you don't really get the option of electing
anyone a reasonable person would want to have any control over their

Anyway. Since this is so off topic and since there are politics junkies
and folks who like to debate here, maybe I could fly a kite for setting
up a separate mailing list to cover the US campaign in particular and
politics in general? I can probably get access to software here to do
that. It's in my interest since I'd probably get news I wouldn't
otherwise get. I'm not sure what I could contribute though. Maybe an
outside perspective?

Anyway, let me know if interested and if there are enough, I'll set
something up. I'd figure on folks from BOC-L plus any invited guests
from elsewhere that they figure would make a contribution.




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