OFF: Alien Stinger

Jon Browne Jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Feb 21 11:01:33 EST 1996

In your message dated Wednesday 21, February 1996 you wrote :
> I've also been mis-hearing this I think there's another line later
> which is *I like my toast done on one side*. Is this supposed to be
> the English way? No wonder we lost our bloody empire :-)
> Chris

I've never met or even heard of anyone *liking their toast done on one side*
and I've lived in England all my life. Does Lemmy like his toast done on one
side? How about Nik Turner?
I *do* like fried egg sandwiches, though. Especially when served in the middle
of a field. At 4.00 a.m.

Jon Browne                     They Walk Among Us.
25 years of social reform,
    ain't gonna make me change or make me conform.

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