Imaginos: Black & Silver...
Carl E. Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Sat Feb 24 08:15:42 EST 1996
> As far as the AOL boards and such, yes, there is alot of *love* for the
> band there. Is this such a bad thing? I still like the music, after many
> years away from it, and despite over-analysis, still can't find it in myself
> to dislike ANY of it. I do believe it is possible to just plain enjoy
> certain
> band's styles. This is the source of my *love* for their music...
> I guess I'm just one of those lemmings... =)
> Granted, Al was a dominant & driving creative force within the band
> during their incredible run. And as I haven't the slightest what the
> underlying causes of their eventual separation might actually be,
> keeping the whole "Imaginos money issue" aside, I choose not to
> take up arms against either camp. I now find myself enjoying BOC
> in it's present form, as well as Al's latest efforts with Deb on the
> Brain Surgeons albums. I am allowed to appreciate all of it, aren't I?
> No matter how you paint it, bashing is bashing is bashing...
> Is this the BOC-AL?
> So, I will weigh in favoring both Al & BOC,
> and suffer the consequences... =)
Oh, I can't really disagree on most of these points. Like the HW
fans would say when Nikwind happened, "You can never have too many
Hawkwind's!". So I'll take tBS and 3OC both, thanks!
Yeah, we look at the statistics and we see that Al was a vital
force in old BOC. But I pretty much like the new BOC material, and think
it's better than anything on _RbN_ or _CN_ except perhaps "Take Me Away"
which I think is really a good song.
What _frustrates_ me about the current incarnation of BOC is that
they've still got a lot of potential and they're just frittering it all
away on the endless rehash tour. Hey, the shows are great, they play
really well. But for one thing they've got a back catalog of incredible
songs which they're only scratching the surface of--I mean, let's hear
them open up with "Transmaniacon MC" or something :)
Plus they just haven't come up with an albums worth of material,
a fact I simply don't understand. I mean, the guys in there still have
a lot of talent--that much is obvious. They still have the resources to
do something interesting and cool, to go where BOC has never gone before.
But they _don't_! I mean, what I wouldn't give to have the
opportunities they have! Please, BOC, snap out of it. It'd be a shame
to see them end with a whimper.
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