Paul Mather paul at CSGRAD.CS.VT.EDU
Wed Feb 28 13:55:36 EST 1996

On Wed, 28 Feb 1996, Daniel Wikdahl forwarded:

> >>>>>> >  This is not a typical chain letter, in that by passing it on to as
> >>>>>> >  many people as you can, you are taking part in what may yet become the
> >>>>>> >  world's biggest practical joke. The U.S. Government has recently
> >>>>>> >  passed an act which enforces censorship on the internet. A group of
> >>>>>> >  internet users has now come together to kick back at this oppression,
> >>>>>> >  and have a bit of fun at the same time. The aim of this exercise is
> >>>>>> >  to re-establish the United States as "The land of the Free", not a
> >>>>>> >  fascist state where freedom of speech and thought are curtailed.
> >>>>>> >  Communist Russia fell as a result of such limits being placed upon
> >>>>>> >  the minds of the general populus. On receiving this letter, please
> >>>>>> >  pass it on to as many friends or E-mail lists as you can. We predict
> >>>>>> >  that if everybody copies the letter to 5 other addresses, by February
> >>>>>> >  29th 1996, this letter should have reached in excess of 2 million
> >>>>>> >  people. That's when the fun begins........ On February 29th, please
> >>>>send the
> >>>>>> >  following message which includes a copy of the Bill of rights. By
> >>sending
> >>>>>> >  the letter on the above date, you will contribute to either one huge
> >>>>>> >  petition for freedom, or else lead to a crash of the whitehouse
> server.

This is the biggest load of illogical nonsense I've read in a long
while!  I can only wonder at what they hope to achieve by this.

The Communications Decency Act is a serious issue, and not one that
should be addressed via a "practical joke."  It may turn out that the
joke's on them (heheh.. subliminal BOC-L content:)...

Hey, why don't we all protest against police and fire service
underfunding by calling in as many 911 false alarms as we can? :-\



e-mail: paul at                    A stranger in a strange land.

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