HW: Acid Daze\Anth\Godwin's Book
Wed Jan 10 09:18:46 EST 1996
>> I thought I wasn't stupid, but since hitting
>> Stage B Hawkdom, I'm feeling very feeble here...
>Don't worry! I'm still confused too! However, as a rule of thumb, I
>usually reckon that if the album has a Brian Tawn sanction on the cover
>by way of one of his short histories then it's an official band release.
>Anything else is likely to be semi- at best.
I recall at least once or twice in issues of Hawkfan where Brian
Tawn complained of his "histories" appearing in whole or in part as
CD inserts, without his knowledge or approval. I suppose these
inserts were probably in non-"official" CDs. Although, I don't
recall if the plagierizers actually credited Brian or not... so it
may not be misleading after all? :-)
Captain Cloud
cjohnson at sur1a.hpsc.hisd.harris.com
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