Fwd: HW. Entropy tango./E. Bloom
Andy Gilham
AndyGilham at AOL.COM
Thu Jan 18 12:04:31 EST 1996
This is what I meant to send :)
<< My guess: the name was just coincidence when it was written, but
Eric either read it, or someone else did and told him, or Moorcock
pointed it out when they were working together, and that's how come the
nickname. Obviously this is only a guess, but if Andy's got the book, can
we find out whether it came out before the two met ( if anyone knows
when that was? )? If it was after, we may have to start seriously
wondering... >>
_Mavis Ming_ was '77, which is earlier than the first known collaboration
between Bloom and Moorcock ('79), but who knows when they first met? _The
Fireclown_ (aka _The Winds of Limbo_ [1963 or so]) is one of the few MM books
I don't have, but I'm pretty certain the name Bloom does not appear in it.
- Andy
Forwarded message:
Subj: Re: HW. Entropy tango./E. Bloom
Date: 96-01-18 10:16:15 EST
From: AndyGilham
To: jaj20 at hermes.cam.ac.uk(jonjarrett)
My guess: the name was just coincidence when it was written, but
Eric either read it, or someone else did and told him, or Moorcock
pointed it out when they were working together, and that's how come the
nickname. Obviously this is only a guess, but if Andy's got the book, can
we find out whether it came out before the two met ( if anyone knows
when that was? )? If it was after, we may have to start seriously
wondering... >>
_Mavis Ming_ was '77, which is earlier than the first known collaboration
between Bloom and Moorcock ('79), but who knows when they first met? _The
Fireclown_ (aka _The Winds of Limbo_ [1963 or so]) is one of the few MM books
I don't have, but I'm pretty certain the name Bloom does not appear in it.
- Andy
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