Off: BOC-L Directory Stuff and 2 ?s
Rudich, Robert A
Rudich at VOLPE2.DOT.GOV
Fri Jan 19 11:57:00 EST 1996
Directory Update -
I have entered Digest mode and cannot tell if the Directory or a couple of
other posts have reached the list, I assume it has since Charlie is calling.
Charlie I will attempt to e-mail you directly but something about my system
appears to be hosed good. If any one notices any inaccurate information in
the latest version of the digest please contact me directly (if you can).
Two Quick comments - Can a dual subscriber (BOC-L/AOL) pose some of the MM
questions to Bloom and repost the responses here?
Mike Watt - Does anyone know or have the the album where Watt does a cover
of "Maggot Brain", a Funkadelic song.
(This is just a forwarding on my part - Rudy)
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