[hw] cover project update
Allan T Grohe Jr
Mon Jan 22 15:50:12 EST 1996
On Mon, 22 Jan 1996, Carl E. Anderson wrote:
Carl, and everyone else,
> What's become of the HW covers tape project? Did it reach
> a conclusion while I was unsubscribed over the holidays? It suddenly
> occured to me I hadn't seen it mentioned in a while.
I was away for a few weeks over the holidays, and just put the final
(probably) additions into the mail late last week to Dave in England.
Once he's received the tape, we should be able to begin making copies to
everyone. We haven't discussed the cost issue yet, but we're looking at
4 tapes + postage/mailer costs, so I imagine somewhere around $10-14-ish
for the US folks (don't know UK mail rates). Once he and I have
finalized the details, we'll let everyone know.
In the meanwhile, the following people have asked for sets. If your name
does not appear, contact Dave (daveb at harlequin.co.uk) or I
(iscladoc at falcon.cc.ukans.edu).
> >Just how many list members want a set?
From: William Stone <stone1 at ix.netcom.com>
From: "C.E. Anderson" <cea20 at cus.cam.ac.uk>
From: Gary Wingert <gary at z-code.com>
From: Vanderpump & Welbelove <M.S.Wright at reading.ac.uk>
From: Paul Ward <sonique at aardvark.apana.org.au>
From: Frank Weil <frankw at comm.mot.com>
From: HERBERT119 at delphi.com (Chuck)
From: donnell at epx.cis.umn.edu (brian)
From: JEFFRIEDLE at aol.com (Jeff)
From: Hawkwind00 at aol.com (ray)
From: Jerry Guizar <iguizar at epix.net>
From: Paul Mather <paul at csgrad.cs.vt.edu>
From: Martyn White <white at borg.med.ecu.edu>
From: MCINTYRE at pa.msu.edu (John McIntyre)
From: Stephen Lindsey <stephen at system9.unisys.com>
From: Richard Crump <rcrump at BayNetworks.com>
From: Keith A Henderson <khenders at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
From: Chris Baxley <Chris_Baxley at sonymusic.com>
From: RJPXR5 at aol.com
From: P Mitchell <pmitchel at CSM.EX.AC.UK>
From: Rudich, Robert A <Rudich at volpe2.dot.gov>
From: Martyn Lawrence <martynl at fujitsu.com.au>
From: Michael P Mccollum <mccolmp at MAIL.AUBURN.EDU>
From: "David B. Kuznick" <david at pharlap.CI.COM>
From: ALANSEIBERT at delphi.com
From: Brand <khiller at nickel.ucs.indiana.edu>
John Majka <bchina at crown.net> sent me a request, but I think he's actually
in the USA. I'll ask him.
> Have you rec'd any requests that have not appeared on the list as a whole?
I have had requests from Alun Hughes, David Jones, Rob Stuckey,
and Paul Ward, plus confirmation from Mike Holmes, Mike Wright,
Jill, Hendrik and Joe. Joe also asked if I could do a set for
Soren of darXtar; I've asked him to pay for those.
> I would tend to assume we'd make a set for the band as well (or would
> that be a set for each member?).
I was assuming one set for the band. One for each member (or worse, per
ex-member) would be expensive!
Allan T. Grohe, Jr. Nomad of the Time Streams #159
iscladoc at falcon.cc.ukans.edu Keeper of _The Dead Gods Book_
iscladoc at kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
"Farewell, friend. I was a thousand times more evil than thou."
- Michael Moorcock, _Stormbringer_
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