club ninja bright spots
Ted O. Jackson
Wed Jan 31 15:15:52 EST 1996
> Hi,
> After seeing a few Club Ninja remarks (all bad) I thought I
> would add my ever non-important $0.02 worth. I thought there
> were some very good songs on the album. Dancin' in the Ruins,
> Perfect Water and Spy in the House of the Night to name a few.
> Joel
Get used to it, pal. 'Club Ninja' is something of a pet rock among
BOC-L. I liked it okay enough for 'White Flags' 'Dancin' 'Perfect
Water' and 'Madness'. The rest is pretty disappointing. The band's
reliance on outside songwriters is pretty hit-or-miss. The two Rob
Halligan tunes [I actually went to high school with him, a grade
later] are horrible. [His garage bands were awful, too! But He's
made a career out of polluting good rock bands, c.f. his dreadful
contributions to Judas Priest] The necessity to go outside the band,
aggravated by Albert's departure, taking his fertile songwriting with
him, is seen by many on BOC-L as the beginning of the band's long
decline. I'm inclined to agree.
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