J Strobridge eset08 at TATTOO.ED.AC.UK
Wed Jul 10 17:00:47 EDT 1996

Andy Gilham writes:

> Steve said
> >Well, this isn't exactly the same principle, but you can slow down
> >subjective time just by accelerating for long enough.

Yeah - which is why you want to be moving REAL FAST during a Hawkwind
gig so it lasts longer.

> I recall subjective time slowing down pretty badly during a Mike Oldfield
> concert - it seemed to go on *forever* :(

That would have been because you were thinking about the music instead
of just listening to it  8-) - it's a well recognised fact among
insomniacs - the more thinking you do while trying to get to sleep the
longer you seem to have been awake......

> Steve Hawking did come up with something recently that suggested that
> backward time travel may be possible in certain limited circumstances, but I
> think it was of the order of nanoseconds in the vicinity of a naked
> singularity, or some such.

there's an article in Scientific American this month - Hawking vs
Penrose on Black Holes but I haven't read it yet.

For entertainment SF there's a recent Gregory Benford galactic series
that takes in time dilation, black holes, galatic toruses (tori?) cosmic
strings and everywhatelse.    Terrific stuff.


J.D.Strobridge at                         eset08 at
                                                ELIJSA at


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