OFF: Re: ID4 (was SETI, ETs, acronyms up the wazoo)

Damon C Capehart dcapehar at UTDALLAS.EDU
Thu Jul 11 16:24:32 EDT 1996

On Wed, 10 Jul 1996, David Zeiger wrote:
> Damon wrote:
> > And you're not the only one who cringes at the lack of consistency
> > between Hollywood physics and actual physics.  E.g., *no* nuclear bomb
> > will destroy an object 1/4 the mass of the moon, I don't think. (I could
> > be wrong.)
> By itself?  Probably not.  No more so than 2 lowly proton torps from
> an X-Wing could have taken out the Death Star.
Wul, yeah... but Luke was using the *Force*. :)

> For me, the "stupid nuclear tricks" came when they used *one* nuke
> against the city-ship, and when that didn't work, they gave up...
Yeah, that and in the final battle scene, the planes were using their big
missiles on the little fighter saucers... they didn't start using the
machine guns until they were desperate.  I have about 25 more messages to
read about ID4, so I apologize if somebody has probably already said

Damon Capehart        | "I think we should eliminate semicolons from the
aka Le Monsieur       |  English language; nobody uses them anymore
dcapehar at |  anyway." - one of Dilbert's anonymous coworkers

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