HW: Rare cd's...Wot????
Christian Mumford
mumford at EUNET.NO
Fri Jul 12 17:30:03 EDT 1996
>Johan Edlundh quoted what I exclaimed in utter confusion:
> >What??? Whaddayamean "Hawkwind" or "Pendragon"??? Are they HW songs???
> >Never heard of 'em!!! The Dojo CD of Warrior on the Edge of Time I have
> >only has "Motorhead" as a bonus cut...!
>And mysteriously explained:
> misprint.
> pendragon music in a HW WotEoT cover.
> hawkwind music in a pendragon cover.
> the great griffin debacle.
I'm now so confused I've broken all my furniture and wearing all my
clothes upside-down...are you saying another band (Pendragon) has by
mistake swiped the WotEoT cover and vice versa?????? Or is my brain not
functioning properly??? Explain, good neighbor.
ObIncompleteSentence: _only_ _Motorhead_
(repeat at your leisure)
Oh, and what was the date HW played in Bergen and Oslo in '73? I can
check the library for newspaper articles next week or so (sorry jag
glemte å svare på mailen din om dette for lenge siden..)
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