Roswell Festival Update

Stephen Swann swann at MINDVOX.COM
Wed Jul 17 10:36:38 EDT 1996

Ted Jackson jr. writes:
> > > Ick.  I guess I'm more behind on the current alternative scene than I
> > > guessed.  Not being able to pick up any decent college radio stations
> > > will do that to you.
> >
> >         You think _you're_ behind on the current alternative scene ... ! ;)
> > I never listened to any radio stations, college or otherwise, anyway.
> > I got all my music tastes from family, friends, and the net.  Word of
> > Mouth rules :)
> The only radio I listen to is NPR, and music is simply used as
> filler.  Who needs it?  I get most music tips word of mouth or from
> reading guitar magazines.  Worked well so far...

I got all my new music over the last couple of years from college radio
and from a CD store in Raleigh that would let you open up any CD and
listen to it (plus they kept hundreds of the most recent releases
already opened, and a half dozen CD players nearby).

Word of mouth has never served me very well, because few people that I
meet in real life share my musical tastes, and people online often
misguess them.

Actually, it's funny - the person who has most accurately predicted my
likes and dislikes lately is Deb Frost.  She gave me a promo copy of
Collective Soul's last CD, which turned out to be one of my favorite
albums that year.

swann at

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