HW: Roswell - Nightline

Ed Eichendorf ike1 at I1.NET
Wed Jul 17 23:43:00 EDT 1996

Keith H.  (FAA) writes:

>Where would you have the solstice celebration though??  I know there's a
>'Carhenge' out in Kansas or something, but that's kind of silly.  What
>locale has that sort of significance??  Key West is near the Tropic of
Cancer -
>maybe HW could do a show with Jimmy Buffett there.... :)

from NetGuide Now (June 30- July 6):

Does Anyone Really Know What Time it Is?
It's little known lore that the United States has its own version of
Stonehenge in Derry, N.H., that doubles as a calendar. The complex, a series

of stone walls containing large, shaped, standing stones, covers well over
acres. Like Stonehenge in England, America's Stonehenge was built by ancient

people well-versed in astronomy and stone construction. Through several
independent surveys by qualified researchers, it has been determined that
site is an accurate, astronomically aligned calendar. It was, and still can
be, used to determine specific solar and lunar events of the year. For a
peek, visit the home page of America's Stonehenge.

---                                    ---                               ---
Ed Eichendorf      ...drawn up between the Ambassadors from Plutonia and
ike1 at i1.net      Desdinova, the foreign minister. These treaties founded a
               secret science from the stars. Astronomy. The career of evil.

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