Roswell Festival Update

Damon C Capehart dcapehar at UTDALLAS.EDU
Thu Jul 18 21:42:41 EDT 1996

On Thu, 18 Jul 1996, Lurking Girl wrote:
> FoFP wrote:
> > Glastonbury Festival tends to have quite a few big name stars and it's
> > not widely known as one of the festival circuit's great failures.
> Erm, I think you missed the emphasis's not that the
> agent is looking for big name stars, it's WHICH big name stars.

Exactly... e.g., it would be perfectly appropriate to hire, say, a big
name band like Spacehog to headline this Roswell thing, but at least the
band has the word "space" in its name... which is certainly more Roswell-
relevant than Sheryl Crow.

(apologies if someone already mentioned this... I'm about 50 messages
behind, and you're probably all getting frustrated with my accidentally
deleting messages before I get a chance to reply to them.)

Damon Capehart        | "I think we should eliminate semicolons from the
aka Le Monsieur       |  English language; nobody uses them anymore
dcapehar at |  anyway." - one of Dilbert's anonymous coworkers

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