HW: Amsterdam
Carl E. Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Tue Jun 4 03:41:08 EDT 1996
Re: HW in Amsterdam
> You have it right. I'll be there with Beverly , and RJ will be there with
> Karyn and a couple of my friends will also be there. Carl Anderson should be
> there also, Carl?
Still up in the air! I've no idea how to get a ticket, and I
want to figure that out and then work out how much getting there and
back will cost before I decide.
> Party at the Greenhouse? Who else? Who else for Brixton, Brentwood and
> Guildford?
Brixton here! That's for sure. I was considering Ipswich
since Tim so kindly (foolishly) offered crash space to people heading
that way. Basically, what other shows I go to depends on what I do
with Amsterdam ...
Carl Edlund Anderson "So that's Terra. Oohwee,
cea20 at cus.cam.ac.uk look out wenchlings, here
http://wjh-www.harvard.edu/~canders/hem.html come the Hawklords."
cea20 at cus.cam.ac.uk -Lord Lemmy (Hawkwind)
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