Led Wallet plagiarism?

Ted Jackson jr. TOJACKSO at HAWK.SYR.EDU
Wed Jun 12 12:01:47 EDT 1996

> BTW, did anyone read the letters page in Goldmine? Maybe this is common
> knowledge, but the intro to "Stairway to Heaven" was allegedly lifted from
> a Randy California piece called Taurus on the first Spirit album.
> Apparently, the liner notes to a recent Spirit anthology say that RC never
> begrudged Jimmy Page his success with StH, though ironically someone
> called Little Roger faced legal action, presumably from Led Zep, for his
> use of the StH melody.
> Dave
Doesn't surprise me at all.  Both Led Wallet and Billy Gibbons of ZZ
Top (one of my faves, no less) are guilty of ripping off other
people's material.  ZZ Top was involved in a big lawsuit over the
song La Grange.  Don't know how it turned out.

BTW. I read a hilarious story about Page, where he was selling a
bunch of speaker cabs., and had his tech change the speakers after
the deal was made, substituting cheaper ones for the poor buyer!

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