HW boring ?...
Alex S. Garcia
artefact at IMAGINET.FR
Wed Jun 12 14:24:42 EDT 1996
>> the same. Since I'm also a progressive rock fan, this sounded bland to me.
>So you'll be familiar with Pink Floyd, Can, Gong, Van Der Graf Generator
>etc who all use(d) repetition and drones to create an atmosphere?
Sure Chris, but it's not systematic. I mean they use repetition in two ways.
First, the most common, where they go on repeating the same stuff a few
times, but they don't go around doing that all along the track (like they do
on techno, for instance), rather only a few seconds. Second aspect, a melody
or some words which will be repeated but not right away, more likely further
on in the track, or better yet, on another song in the album. When I
listened to those HW songs, I had this strange feeling that it always was
the same track ! I never felt that way with Pink Floyd (that's the only one
I've listened to from your list, though I've heard of the others but never
had a chance to try them out yet).
Alex S. Garcia.
ARTEFACT EDITIONS (http://www.imaginet.fr/~artefact/index.htm)
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