Led Wallet plagiarism?

Thu Jun 13 15:31:43 EDT 1996

On 12-JUN-1996 11:19:56.5 BOC-L said to HERBERT119
   >> BTW, did anyone read the letters page in Goldmine? Maybe this is
   >common > knowledge, but the intro to "Stairway to Heaven" was
   >allegedly lifted from > a Randy California piece called Taurus on the
   >first Spirit album. > Apparently, the liner notes to a recent Spirit
   >anthology say that RC never > begrudged Jimmy Page his success with
   >StH, though ironically someone > called Little Roger faced legal
   >action, presumably from Led Zep, for his > use of the StH melody.
   >> Dave
   >Doesn't surprise me at all.  Both Led Wallet and Billy Gibbons of ZZ
   >Top (one of my faves, no less) are guilty of ripping off other
   >people's material.  ZZ Top was involved in a big lawsuit over the
   >song La Grange.  Don't know how it turned out.

And I always thought (kinda on topic) that Motorhead lifted "No Class" from
ZZ's "Tush".

`[1;37;47mRainbow V 1.19.4 for Delphi - Test Drive

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