HW: 1st songs

Le Monsieur Damon dcapehar at UTDALLAS.EDU
Tue Jun 18 01:42:51 EDT 1996

On Mon, 17 Jun 1996, Jerome Kekatos wrote:
> Jill writes:
> >Ah - for me it was the first album!  And then I got hold of In Search
> >of Space and nothing was ever quite the same again.......
> Same here. Saw that gate-fold ISOS in late 72, and was just knocked
> over, It was from Another World. Never played one track from ISOS, just
> the whole LP.

ISOS was from a soap opera?!? :)
Anyway, I'm a youngun (22 1/2... 23 in September), so believe it or not,
the very first HW song I ever heard was "Ghost Dance" in early 1994,
followed in quick succession by oodles of classic HW tracks and performed
by Nikwind on that first tour.  I hadn't even heard of Hawkwind until
that week, and lookitmenow!!! :)

The circumstances of my introduction may explain why I enjoy the
Cleopatra/Hypnotic HW-related stuff so much.  E.g., I think Pressurehed
is just plain k00l. :)

Damon Capehart          | "I think we should eliminate semicolons from the
aka Le Monsieur         |  English language; nobody uses them anymore
dcapehar at utdallas.edu   |  anyway." - one of Dilbert's anonymous coworkers

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