Hawkwind Codex database?
Johan Edlundh
hawkjoe at EKA.ERICSSON.SE
Thu Jun 20 13:07:44 EDT 1996
>> I figure what would be *really* neat would be to start a massive
>> hypertext WWW document which would list the codex and allow each track
>> to be clicked on to access either its codex entry, or where present its
>> lyric file (password protected to keep the lawyers happy).
>> That could form as a basis for adding in the writers of the track and
>> linking that to biographical data, solo albums etc.
>> Ultimately the family tree could be linked to this and the albums and
>> giglists indexed by lineup.
>> It's megalomania of course but it'd be great to start such a project and
>> just add to it as we went. Sonique seems to be good at this sort of
>> stuff.
>Well, basically, this is what I have had in mind for a long while, and
>have been silently working towards, albeit slowly. I have a class coming
>up this fall regarding the WWW which is project-based, and I thought
>developing a WWW-accessible Hawkwind digital library might be a good
>project. (Finally, I'd get some time to actually do some work on this.)
>Although I think a WWW-accessible hyperbase is the thing to do, I don't
>think that authoring a massive set of (static) HTML documents is the way
>to go, for obvious reasons (maintenance and consistency being the chief
>one). Hence my route of developing WWW interfaces to a database + ISR
>system of Hawkwind info. An appropriate front end (cgi scripts) would
>access the underlying database, and generate appropriate HTML to present
>the data. This is, potentially, a lot better, because less data need be
>maintained. For example, you could think of the Hawkwind discography to
>be simply an inverted index of the Hawkwind codex; the former can be
>derived from the latter. Yet currently, two documents are maintained.
How about to link the cover pics (including different variations), added with the liner notes in the discography part - if it wouldn't be too much copywright violation...
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