HW: US Covers: Update
Allan T Grohe Jr
Fri Jun 21 19:21:51 EDT 1996
On the status of $ rec'd so far, I've gotten $ from Karl Hiller, Doug
Bates, John McIntyre, Randy Abeck,Keith Henderson, Mike McCollum, Jeff
Riedle, Jerry Guizar, Ron Jennings, Chris Boxley, Chris Steir, Frank
Weil, Alan Siebert, Wylie Stone, Stephen Lindsey, Paul Mather, Duane
Hoyt, Mike Fuller, Richard Crump, and Stephen Swann. Thanks!
Also, there are some sets left if you still want one but missed the
I put 6 sets in the mail today: Chris Steir, Alan Siebert, Frank Weil,
Stephen Lindsey, Paul Mather, and Duane Hoyt. Per the usual, they were
priority mail, so you should have them by Tuesday. That leaves me 4 sets
for people I've got $ in hand (should go out Monday). If I haven't rec'd
$ from those below in the meanwhile, then I'll begin duping sets for the
contributors (including you Henrik ;-)
I've not received funds from the following folks yet: do please send
them in ASAP, as the tapes are only slightly more than 1/2 paid off thus
> >Just how many list members want a set?
From: donnell at epx.cis.umn.edu (brian)
From: Hawkwind00 at aol.com (ray)
From: Martyn White <white at borg.med.ecu.edu>
From: John Majka <bchina at crown.net>
From: John McCartney <scorch at mtvmail-114.Corp.Sun.COM>
Also, would Wylie Stone please resend me his address (I couldn't decipher
my note on your envelope :-(
Lastly, would Andy Apold please contact me.
Allan T. Grohe, Jr. RPG Writer/Reviewer. Outer God.
iscladoc at falcon.cc.ukans.edu Nomad of the Time Streams. Poet.
Visit the Dreaming City: http://falcon.cc.ukans.edu/~iscladoc/imrryr.html
"Farewell, friend. I was a thousand times more evil than thou."
- Michael Moorcock, _Stormbringer_
Allan T. Grohe, Jr. RPG Writer/Reviewer. Outer God.
iscladoc at falcon.cc.ukans.edu Nomad of the Time Streams. Poet.
Visit the Dreaming City: http://falcon.cc.ukans.edu/~iscladoc/imrryr.html
"Farewell, friend. I was a thousand times more evil than thou."
- Michael Moorcock, _Stormbringer_
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