OFF: Jokes/last one! Really!

Christian Mumford mumford at EUNET.NO
Sat Jun 29 14:38:06 EDT 1996

>Martyn inquiered:
>         Why should you invite OJ to Xmas dinner?
> Inquring minds want to know

Because OJ slices up that white meat REEEAAL good!

I have a few other good ones, but it seems we've (I've?) been getting a
little too far off topic...... aah, whaddahell, what's the difference
between OJ and Christopher Reeve?

OJ's gonna walk!

OK, OK...How about some Hawkwind jokes then? Say, what's the difference
between Spinal Tap and Hawkwind? Any humorous answers would do......
(just to justify my breaching the list etiquette.....)

How about Stonehenge...?


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