BOC: lyrics for D&S and I Am the One?
Joseph Brooks
Wed May 1 19:27:11 EDT 1996
At 11:56 PM 4/30/96 -0400, you wrote:
>>Each night the girls were in orbit (yes, thats what my lyric sheet
>uh, I seem to recall - Each night the covers were unfolded
>>Hope that helps.. Lyrics printed without permission (sue me...., no,
>>don't!). Should be about 99% correct.
>All but that orbit line. I think you should use it. How about "Each night
>the covers were in orbit"?
So, clue us in, what is the correct line? I sent away for the lyrics back in
'75 or so and I swear it said "Girls were in orbit".. There were other more
obvious errors in there as I recall. Damn but I wish I knew what ever
happened to those sheets. I used to impress my friends by actually knowing
all the words to ME262.. :)
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| | < *| and Gentlemen,here's
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