Carl E. Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Thu May 2 18:17:59 EDT 1996
> >"Sorry! But maybe you have a theory for cold fission...
> That's cold fusion.
No, I want to hear about cold fission! :) I think someone should
right a song about "cold fission" :) On the other hand, there's probably
a bizarre sci-fi love long a_la "Spirit of the Age" in cold fusion. You
know--it doesn't seem to exist, frigidity, "fusion" ... lots of prime
pulpy cheesy subject matter there that is dying for some catchy rhymes
and a 3 chord Brock progression :)
> >obShocker: I quit kollecting Hawkwind in late 1987.
> See, that's the craziest thing I've heard in a long time.
Yeah, 'specialy since I never even *heard* of Hawkwind until
years later :)
Carl Edlund Anderson "So that's Terra. Oohwee, look out
ASNAC Dept., Cambridge U. wenchlings, here come the Hawklords."
cea20 at -Lord Lemmy (Hawkwind, _Space Ritual_)
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