Club Ninja: Lamest BOC album.
Joseph Brooks
Thu May 9 22:29:15 EDT 1996
At 09:10 AM 5/9/96 -0400, you wrote:
>>Sure Make Rock not War gets me a bit queasy, but Dancin In The Ruins, Perfect
>>Water and, yes, and Shadow Warrior are all totally worthwhile efforts. If
>>there's a gaff BOC album its probably _Mirrors_ :^)
>here we go again...
>Shall we just do another poll and get it over with? I like Mirrors, I like
>it a lot. There's
>only about one track on it I don't care for (YNTOIWLF), and the Great Sun
>Jester is
>one of the reasons I got into BOC in the first place.
Indeed. I like Mirrors as well. The Vigil, The Great Sun Jester.. Even Dr.
Music & Mirrors are all songs that I enjoy. I like the album better that
RBN, FOUO and CN... I would even say that except Cultosaurus Erectus and
Mirrors, I'm pretty much blah on everything they did after Spectres, with a
few exceptions (on songs, not albums) Of course, I was even bummed when AOF
came out, thought it was too mellow at the time, though that one grew on me.
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