Other: Big Buck CD Players

Stephen Swann swann at PHANTOM.COM
Tue May 14 15:54:12 EDT 1996

Dave Berry writes:
> > > than cheaper ones.   If you really want to improve sound, the speakers are
> > > still the best place to attack.
> >
> > Well, I disagree with this,
> For the record (sic), so do I.

I fail to understand how this can even be a point of contention.  I've
heard $1500 CD players, and when you close your eyes, they sound about
5% better than my $150 Sony.

On the other hand, the difference between a pair of $600 Snell
Acoustics and a pair of $200 Aiwas is enough to make you weep.

> Incidentally, y'all seem to underestimate the cost of "high-end",
> "big bucks" CD players.  You can easily spend a grand on the transport
> and a grand on the DAC, if you are so inclined.   My L500 machine is
> the *bottom* of the manufacturer's range.

Well, the question was about L200-L300 CD players.

swann at panix.com

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