OFF: Dr. Who movie

Paul Mather paul at CSGRAD.CS.VT.EDU
Wed May 15 16:02:10 EDT 1996

On Wed, 15 May 1996, William Fuller wrote:

> On Wed, 15 May 1996, Andrew A. Apold wrote:
> > Nah.    But it's worth seeing, when it isn't involved in plot it was very
> > ambient, full of itself, and full of references to itself and even some
> > other genre stuff.   The plot on the other hand... well, you'll see.
> > Worth watching, tho.
> The plot was awful... dull dull dull.

Well, not so much dull, but lightweight and rather predictable (a comedy
of errors, somewhat).  The thing that irked me was the overly dramatic
intrusive orchestral score.  It seemed to me to be the musical equivalent
of a laugh track.  Come back BBC Radiophonic Workshop, all is forgiven. :-)

Incredibly, though, I'm glad I watched it.



obCD: The Bevis Frond, _Sprawl_

obFolkTalesForOurTimes: The Bevis Frond, "The Puller," _Sprawl_

e-mail: paul at                    A stranger in a strange land.

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