BOC: anybody

Andrew A. Apold mordru at MAGG.NET
Fri May 17 14:19:59 EDT 1996

>So where is it? Its probably too far away for me to go too. :(  As far as
>BOC I recently picked up Workshop of the Telescopes and Bad Channels.

Southern California...

Well, everyone said they would address this later than sooner, but I guess this
is as good a time to comment on the track selection from WOTT.  Basically
they at least one song from every album except Imaginos (why?  Eric had nothing
to do with it, this was CBS all the way....).

Hokay.  The first album is one of the two most-represented on the list, with

Cities on Flame   ('kay, it's gotta be on there, first single, etc.)
Transmaniacon MC  (okay, I guess, first song on first album, there were
others I'd have preferred)
Before the Kiss, A Redcap  (indispensible)
Stairway to the Stars (indispensible, but should have been first, since it's
a traditional kick-off tune...)
Buck's Boogie  (good to have since it's from a source many of us didn't have...)
Workshop of the Telescopes (who ever heard of leaving off the title tune for
the compilation?  Oh, wait,
                                                        "career of evil"
compilation did that.  Demo version.  Cool.)

In all, that's five of the songs from the first album (not BB), and they
somehow left off "Then Came the Last
     Days of May"!!!   grrrrrrr

Then, T&M had:

The Red & The Black  (demo version, cool...)
7 Screaming Diz-Busters (indispensible)

that's it, no Hot Rails, no Quicklime, Wings Wetted, ah, well.  Most albums
got only two tracks.

Secret Treaties was probably the most represented, though many were from
later live versions.

Career of Evil   (not indispensible, good nonetheless)
Flaming Telepaths (indispensible)
Astronomy (indispensible)


Subhuman  (I would have preferred the BOC version on Imaginos)
Harvester of Eyes (indispensible)
M.E. 262 (ditto)

from OYFOOYK.   Those three, with D&S appearing later, make seven songs from
ST covered in one way or another...
(which means they left off "Cagey Cretins", fine by me....)

Born to be Wild was first time on CD, but I could have lived without it.

Then, Agents had:

DFTR  (has there ever been a BOC collection without this?)
This ain't the summer of love.....  (okay, I would have preferred Vera
E.T.I.   (indispensible)

Spectres had:

Godzilla (indispensible)
Goin' through the motions....  (uh,  not that I mind the song, but....
there are far better things to pick, IMHO)
Golden Age of Leather.... (good choice...)

(no I Love the Night, Nosferatu, Death Valley Nights, Fireworks, R.U. Ready
2 Rock...)

followed by two covers from Some Enchanted Evenings,

Kick out the Jams
We Gotta Get out of the Place..... WHY???  this is a BOC compilation,
dammit.  SEE had a wonderful Astronomy,

Mirrors had only one track,

In Thee.   (Nice enough tune, but I really wanted Dr. Music or I am the
Storm or Sun Jester.....)

And amazingly, so did Cultosaurus Erectus, with

The Marshall Plan  (AAAAAUGGH!  They left off Black Blade!  Unknown Tongue!
Lips in the Hills!   For this????
                                  I would have been happier with anything
else off this album, it deserves better coverage.  Did
                                 they pick their tracks to follow Arthur
Levy's liner notes?

Fire of Unknown had 2:

Veteran of the Psychic Wars (indispensible)
Burnin' for You.  (indispensible)

For once I have no arguement with them here, 'cept I prefer them in the
other order.

Off, ETL, here's where they fit in

Dominance & Submission.  Hokay, one of the last with Al...  it's okay, I
liked it's Veteran or Hot Rails better...

>From RBN, they toss in

Take Me Away (if they botched this I'd never forgive them.  Indispensible)
Shooting Shark (hmm, enough people on here seem to like it.  )

and Club Ninja gets 2 tracks (twice as much as Mirrors or Cultosaurus, I
might add...)

Dancin' in the Ruins  (I guess if you had to pick one...., though it's not
by them...  wonder which
                came first, the liner notes or the track selection... and
Perfect Water (um, yeah.  CN should not have had two tracks.)

and, as previously mentioned, NO tracks from Imaginos (I've seen tracklists from
foreign compilations that use one or two Imaginos tracks.....)

anyways, my .02 cents.

Andrew A. Apold, aka                        "I was corrupt before I had power!"
Roger Shrubstaff                                 - Random, upon being accused
Chancellor                                            of being corrupted since
Barony of Silverwater                             becoming King....
Kingdom of the Burning Lands                (Roger Zelazny, d. 1995)

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