HW: LIS tracklist (was: news bits...)

Dave Berry daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK
Tue May 21 09:49:19 EDT 1996

> On Mon, 20 May 1996, Andy Gilham wrote (with numbers and asterisks added
> by me):
> > disc 1:                               disc 2:
> > *1) abducted                          *1) xenomorph
> >  2) death trap                        *2) vega
> > *3) wastelands                        *3) love in space
> > *4) are you losing your mind?         *4) kapal
> > *5) photo encounter                    5) elfin
> > *6) blue skin                          6) silver machine
> > *7) sputnik stan                       7) welcome
> >  8) robot                              8) assassins
> > *9) alien i am

Photo Encounter and Love In Space are not on Alien 4.   Death Trap is.
Also, I expect that Assassins includes Space Is Their (Palestine).

> How many and which tracks from Alien did they *not* play?

Reject Your Human Touch, Vega, Journey, Beam Me Up, Festivals.

> Out of 17 tracks total, only 6 tracks (that's 35.3%) on Love In Space are
> *not* from Alien (the asterisks indicate Alien tracks, you figure).  Does
> that not annoy the heck out of most of you?

In one sense, yes, but in another no.  Live albums are supposed to
document the tour, and the tour is supposed to feature the new album.
Do you object to the Space Ritual because only a few songs were not
on In Search Of Space and Doremi?

> At any rate, it seems I'll be buying Love In Space before I buy Alien; in
> fact, I may not buy Alien at all.

This seems reasonable - I don't have a copy of Doremi because all the
good tracks are on Space Ritual.  There is no compulsion to buy all
their albums, you know!


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