BOC: Buck Dharma and Mutation
Ted Jackson jr. EL 84
Tue Nov 5 09:57:03 EST 1996
Albert, taking me to school!:
> Then Theo sez:
> >On the first couple of albums, BD's solos were put together in
> >pieces, punched in and out to patch things up. By ST, he had gained
> >considerable confidence as a mucicain and, no doubt, aided by the non-
> >stop touring in support of the first 2 records. By then, he was much
> >more likely to complete solos in a single take, or at least had
> >gotten better at punching in and out. Also to blame is the
> >relatively unsophisticated recording techniques employed on the first
> >couple of albums [although I think this actually contributes to the
> >slightly claustrophobic sound at times]
> Nice try but I think not. As the albums progressed (excepting the live
> ones) BD did much more piecing together of solos, at least while I was
> there. FOUO has extensive multiple take solos, expecially BFY and VOTPW.
> The first 2 albums had hardly any multi-take solos because there weren't
> any spare tracks. BOC was made on an 8 track and T&M, a 16 track. Almost
> all of the solos were done in one take.
> Most likely was the fact that he didn't have a style down then and was
> flirting with all kinds of country, jazz, blues, indian, bluegrass and
> other non-sequiturs and he was avidly encouraged to do this by the dynamic
> duo.
> Al
Fair enough, from the man who was there to see it all go down! And
welcome in from lurk mode, Al. I was basing my post on something
recalled from distant memory, an interview of BD in Guitar Player
from ca. ST. Steve Stills was on the cover, not BD! And BD was
speaking about his overall comfort with the recording experience, I
guess. He said that with ST, he felt more at ease with his playing
[what Al was talking about re. SP/MK's coaxing that he 'broaden'his
But anyway, Al, now that you've joined the discussion, how did you
get that haunting [haunted?] sound on the first album esp., and also
on the less aggressive tunes on T&M?
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