BOC: Godzilla cover
Carl Edlund Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Wed Nov 6 16:12:16 EST 1996
On ons 6 nov 1996 17.46 "Daniel Wikdahl" <mpj95wid at MC.HIK.SE> wrote:
> I've just read the November issue of Kerrang and there was some very
> interesting news...
> Fu Manchu has sacked their axe-man and skin-man and the later one has
> replaced with ex-Kyuss drummer Brant Bjork... the band has also recorded
> Godzilla cover which will be released as a 10" (if I remember things
> correctly) in the beginning of '97 on the Mans Ruin label.
> Is this good news or what :-)
Ack! The Godzilla cover is, but I don't know about the rest! The
drummer and lead guitar player were great! (I assume its the lead guitar
player they've sacked, since the rhythm player was also the singer).
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