Sad Lovers & Giants

Johan Edlundh hawkjoe at EKA.ERICSSON.SE
Thu Nov 7 11:35:54 EST 1996

>> Anybody know what this album is?
>> I have seen the CD listed in a cataloque. Is it a live bootleg?
>The cataloque listed it as a Hawkwind album!!!

can you supply more information, ie catalouge # - what catalouge etc?

>Also, can someone solve the mystery of a Mr. McManus? On some versions
>of "Silver Machine", he is credited. I'm sure I read something in a zine
>or album cover explaining who he is, but I can't find the details
>therefore I cannot remember what it said. Anyway, I'm sure some other
>fans out there are interested to know as well!

S. MacManus is a friend of Dr Technical - a Dave Brock pseudonym. Jamie Mandelkau (from the Deviants) and Linda Steele (mrs Moorcock) is other Hawkwindish pseudonym that Hasbeen used through the years - probably all because of royalty reasons.



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