OFF: UK handgun ban

Mike Parkington mdp at TADPOLE.CO.UK
Mon Nov 11 04:31:51 EST 1996

That's enough!

This is not a forum for the discussion of this issue. This is something I
and probably many others feel very very strongly about. I do not want to
see mails covering this subject, period! I subscribe to this list because I
am interested in Hawkwind/BOC, I thought that is what the list is for.

I am sure with a little searching a suitable newsgroup can be found for
those wishing to vent their spleen about this matter.


Mike Parkington.

From:   Jerry[SMTP:stayer at PI.NET]
Sent:   Saturday, November 09, 1996 01:39
To:     Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
Subject:        OFF: UK handgun ban

Tim wrote:

>Fight the UK Handgun ban: Join the Sportsman's Association of Great

I'll fight the UK handgun ban fight. Some sports should be banned...


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