OFF: 'Scots'/'Scotch'
Mike Parkington
Tue Nov 12 09:39:38 EST 1996
Whisky comes from Scotland,
Whiskey comes from Ireland, and is better than Scotch but not than single malt.
Scots is the plural of Scot (a person from Scotland), we also use the word Scottish
Scots pine is probably a contraction of Scottish pine
The Scottish word for the English is, I believe, bastard or sometimes git.
Hope this helps
Mike P.
Maybe the UK folk on the list can explain this: Why is it 'Scots' in
the UK, but in the US it's 'Scotch' or Scotish? For instance, we
Americs. refer to the species of tree as Scotch Pine wheras in the UK
it's called Scots Pine. Also, more importanly, what do you call the
spirit, Scotch or Scots, and why do we spell whiskey different than
you do?
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