OFF: Re: 'Scots'/'Scotch'

Jon Jarrett jaj20 at HERMES.CAM.AC.UK
Wed Nov 13 07:29:02 EST 1996

On Tue, 12 Nov 1996, Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:

>     *Actually*, the technical term for the Scotish dialect of English is
> "Scots" or "Scots English".  The non-English Scotish tongue is "Scots
> Gaelic" (as distinct from Irish Gaelic, which also has a variety of
> appellations).
> Academically,
> Carl

        Well, that's as may be but it's still spelt `Scottish'...
Pedantically,                                            ^
              Jon ( :-p )

 |         Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge                      |
 |         (01223 327450)                 jaj20 at         |
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