HW: Castle Masters Collection
J Strobridge
eset08 at TATTOO.ED.AC.UK
Tue Nov 26 13:05:46 EST 1996
Daniel Wikdahl writes:
> hi
> I've bought a very cheap used HW CD called "Castle Masters Collection"...
> ...does anybody know the story behind the songs (when they were recorded,
> why they don't appear on any album (maybe the do, but I haven't seen them
> anywhere) why the sound quality is so poor etc) "Hash Cake '77", "Came Home"
> and "Dealing with the Devil".
1991 Castle Masters Collection
Douglas in the Jungle
British Tribal Music
Quark, Strangeness, and Charm
Hurry on Sundown
The War
Master of the Universe
Hash Cake '77
Came Home
Urban Guerilla
High Rise
Silver Machine
World of Tiers
Dealing With The Devil
Ghost Dance
Spirit of the Age
This is one of the not terribly good compilations that seem to be issued
periodically for Hawkwind. In this case the date of issue is
surprisingly late and Castle Communications were a legitimate outlet for
Hawkwind for a while so it's one of the official issues (I think!). It
mostly comprises tracks taken from the Anthology/Acid Daze set but for
full details of each track see the Codex. That'll tell you where the
original versions appear.
> Some songs sounds like edited versions ,like the track "Masters of the
> Universe" a live version with only one verse (is it called verse in
> English?!?)...is this the way it is
> or am I completely wrong...
> And one more... is there a HW FAQ somewhere???
not as such but if the discography and codex can't answer your questions
we'll do our best here!
J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk eset08 at tattoo.ed.ac.uk
ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk
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