HW: Castle Masters Collection
Christian Mumford
christian.mumford at LOGIN.EUNET.NO
Thu Nov 28 07:48:40 EST 1996
>Max Wilcox writes:
>> Strange, I've got a Castle Masters Colllection, and it's got a
>> different track list. Can't remember, but I think both versions are in
>> the codex, though.
>I think I'd better say that the Castle Masters collection CD I was
>looking for has the same picture as the single vinyl album but the
>vinyl album has fewer tracks. I'm doing this from memory since I
>forgot to check last night but the picture on the album sleeve is a
>black and white heads-only photo of the band at an early stage of
>their career. I think there are 4 or 5 people in the photo and there's
>a wide light blue coloured filigree border around the photo that fills
>the rest of the front cover. I've only ever seen this CD once and that
>was in someone else's collection!
>However I'll try to remember to check in Ron Godwin's book tonight to
>make sure I'm remembering this correctly.
>Thanks all!
>J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk eset08 at tattoo.ed.ac.uk
> ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk
It's one of the 80's line-ups with Langton.
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