HW: 1st Album
Mike Parkington
Thu Nov 28 10:36:27 EST 1996
It's interesting that you attribute your initial interest in HW from being
into Moorcock.
I think that I got into each at more or less the same time, I don't know
whether one led to the other or what.
What I do know is that I can't listen to Doremi without visualising the
Corum stories which I read whilst listening to Doremi virtually non-stop.
Mike P
From: skarsol[SMTP:skarsol at EROLS.COM]
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 1996 11:13
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
Subject: Re: HW: 1st Album
the first hw track i ever heard,was sonic attack from space ritual.
i was 16,it was 1982,and i had been looking for tripping tunes in the
local used bin.i saw moorcocks name on the credits,and being an avid
mm fan,bought it without hesitation.my allegiance to hw is directly
credtitable to moorcock's involvement.i would not reccomend space ritual
as a first experience to the average person(unless they are looking
for freak-out tunes,or had already shown an interest in similar mind
fog.) more,i would say levitation,hall of the mountain grill,or
any of the more upbeat stuff.i've found that creating hw monsters
is much easier if ya sneak up on them.... rj
> > Actually, this sounds like an opening to ask other people what
> >first HW albums were, if that sounds like an interesting thread. That,
> >or what album would people suggest to someone who'd never listened to HW
> >before, as a first album to listen to. I'd say Space Ritual.
> >
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