HW: Drugs (Re 1st Album)

Christian Mumford christian.mumford at LOGIN.EUNET.NO
Fri Nov 29 07:08:33 EST 1996

skarsol wrote:

>wow.this is bizarre.there was no acid or hw involved,but when i was 14,
>my best friend and i 'borrowed' his dads new bottle of jack daniels,
>and his dad's wwII japanese swords (razor sharp),and went out in the
>middle of the night and destroyed most of the hedges in our
>neighborhood,then had a mock duel with the swords,in which i mostly
>sliced his thumb about half way off.yes,i do believe we were idiots.
>it took us long and long,to repay the damage.   rj

Heh.. we were in our early 20's (hey, blame it on the funny books). When the
stuff was kicking in, our lava-lamp was reaching 'genesis-stage', and I put
on XISOS - amazingly attuned to the flashing strobe and the weird balls we
had dangling in the ceiling (planets, y'see).... we had this little room set
up for only tripping... So, anyways, after a million years of 'You Shouldn't
Do That', 'Master of The Universe' came on and things were getting very
freaky. We started debating if we were the figments of anybody else's mind,
but we
abandoned that thought due to our self-created cosmic surroundings, and realized
that _we_ and our room were the only things in the universe. So, we started
'creating' the world outside, word by word (New Jersey in fact, God knows
why!) as well, knowing that it was all a figment of _our_ imagination (of
course, everything was evolving cosmically alongside with the lava-lamp's
development from mangled frog-stage to bouncing ball-stage). So, we came to
the realization that since _we_ were in fact the Masters of The Universe, we
could pick up our battle axes that we'd bought them at the mall earlier that
day, and
wander out into the world (my roomate had He-Man curtains in his window...),
and destroy everything we'd just created in our wake, since it was all just
make believe. So we went outside.... and were absolutely underwhelmed by the
mundane shithole neighborhood we'd "created". After some running around,
attacking the neighbor's kids snowman and raising hell... we both had formed
ideas that only _one_ of us had created the universe, and started freaking
out on eachother, both claiming that that the other was was a figment of the
other's imagination, and started duking it out until one of us actually felt
_pain_ (the axes were dull but heavy), and my friend, wild eyed and insane
suggested the atrocity that just _maybe_ we were just regular people... and
then the vietnamese people upstairs turned their light on in the window and
we both ran back inside totally freaked out! It sure felt like a million
years, but all this probably happened in the span of 20 minutes... I'm
surprised I remember so much of this, but it was probably the most intense
case of creative insanity I ever had!

So what were you guys fighting over?

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