HW: what I finally bought...

Jon Jarrett jaj20 at HERMES.CAM.AC.UK
Wed Oct 2 18:43:38 EDT 1996

On Wed, 2 Oct 1996, Daniel Wikdahl wrote:

> But Levitation... where's the BOC-connection you were talking about... and
> it sounds like Sting is singing (BURR, huvaligen, hemska tanke!)... :-(
> How to do to enjoy this one too?
> Play it backwards and smoke some pot maybe?

        I don't know: I turned down a copy of Levitation this summer in
order to get Quark, Strangeness and Charm, largely because I've got all
bar two of the tracks on the Spirit of the Age Elite compilation. They
seem to me like excellent prog. rock, and to me the question whether you
call that Hawkwind and mark it as one of their phases, or whether you
write the thing off as Lloyd-Langton and Brock making sure they've covered
_that_ base. I can listen to the stuff fine, and I think Levitation's
possibly Hawkwind's best song musically ever.
        But there _are_ times when you really really need to play Space
Ritual...! Yours,

 |         Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge                      |
 |         (01223 327450)                 jaj20 at hermes.cam.ac.uk         |
 | ======================================================================|
 |      "`It's a Venusian space bassist,' said Turner the bird being."   |
 |            (Hawkwind, sleeve notes to 'Doremi Fasol Latido')          |

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