HW: Hitch Hiker

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Oct 9 13:08:08 EDT 1996

In message <325B1DD7.6A65 at student.uq.edu.au>, Max Wilcox
<s333271 at STUDENT.UQ.EDU.AU> writes
>There was some suggestions that Hawkwind should do a Doctor Who cover a
>couple of weeks ago, and, a few minutes ago, whilst I was watching a
>program on the telly, an even better idea came to me. Hawkwind (or
>perhaps more apropriately, Nik Turner) should do a cover of the
>Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy theme song! It's a perfect thing for
>them to do, as not only is it a bloody great song, but has lots of
>openings for spacey sounds, extended impros etc.
>        Well, I'll be waiting for this with baited breath...
>-Max Wilcox
You do know that this is a snip from the Eagles - Journey Of The
Sorcerer don't you? :) Douglas Adams said that people were asking him
all the time to release this as a single without knowing they had it
already. The rest of the song sounds nothing like the snip we're so
familiar with. Or so I'm told not having heard anything by the Eagles
apart from Hotel Califoria.
Jon Browne
ObCD -HW Undisclosed Files - KILLER LIVE SET!!!

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