HW: cover songs

Craig A. Shipley craigs at PYRAMID.COM
Wed Oct 16 12:33:40 EDT 1996


Carl says this...

    BTW, having grown tired of receiving endless number of fancy-format
messages I couldn't read I've decided to become part of the problem and get
a fancy-email program.  Hope this is all readable :)


Carl Edlund Anderson                            * "Lever vi inte i ett
cea20 at cus.cam.ac.uk                             *  fritt land kanske?"
http://wjh-www.harvard.edu/~canders/hem.html    *
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic, Cambridge *  -- Pippi Langstrump

...all except that "Lever" stuff!! ;-)

Craig Shipley
craigs at pyramid.com
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