In defense of Bolle
Guido Vacano
Wed Oct 16 14:29:43 EDT 1996
Paul sez--
> On Wed, 16 Oct 1996, John A Swartz wrote:
> > Related to both points 2 and 3 above, I've been told that we come off
> > as "elitist" at times, sort of thinking we're somehow better than other
> > BOC fans - we think we're "real" fans because we aren't afraid to say
> > something sucks when we think it does (the very thing that some of us
> > are now slamming Bolle for). Again, this is my interpretation of what
> > others have told me -- I think it's overblown, but perhaps there are
> > some grains of truth in there.
Don't these people have anything better to do? I categorize BOC,
Hawkwind, and BOC-L under the heading "fun". I don't lose sleep over any
of them.
> I don't recall anyone slamming Bolle for the beliefs he holds. I just
> think everybody was taken aback by the overly strident tone he adopted.
> It was not conduct becoming of a gentleman, IMHO. :-)
Agreed. John Schwartz seems to be saying that we can't be too hard on
Bolle for being an asshole since he's built that way. I'm not sure I buy
that argument.
> Bolle may have a mountain of *knowledge* on BOC (e.g. gig lists, who
> farted in which recording studio during which album, etc.), but, from past
> experience (e.g. his musings on what he considers to be the best BOC
> tracks), his BOC *opinions* appear to be at least 90 degrees out of phase
> with my own, so when he starts in, I normally file them in /dev/null.
> That doesn't make him a bad guy, in my book, but it doesn't make him an
> almighty authority on the subject, either (as he often comes off sounding
> like). As a famous fictional groupie once said, "knowledge is not wisdom."
What I don't understand is why people take all of this so seriously.
Bolle has been written of in reverential (even "hushed") tones on BOC-L,
just because he's a rabid BOC fan. IMHO, this Bolle business is a bit
If there's a list for people who don't give a rat's ass what Bolle thinks
about ANYTHING, please place my name at the top.
> ob3CD: Frank Zappa, _L\"ather_
Good 'un, innit? :-)
If nothing is done, then all will be well. -- Lao Tse
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