Artists needed!
Carl Edlund Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Thu Oct 24 13:21:15 EDT 1996
--On tor 24 okt 1996 12.41 "Dave Berry" <daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK> wrote:
> Just in case you didn't realise, some of their other tracks are based on,
> or at least inspired by, other author's work. I assume that the authors
> concerned haven't complained about the music, but they (or their estates,
> in Zelazny's case) might be more fussy about comics.
> Examples are Jack Of Shadows, Lord Of Light, Damnation Alley (Zelazny),
> and High Rise (Ballard)
I dont actually recall much connection between Hawkwind's and Zelazy's
respective Lords of Light, excepting the title--or is there some deeper
connection which my shallow little mind has missed? :) (entirely possible)
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